

Cleora.AI is a powerful machine learning tool designed to help Data Science and Analytics teams quickly and effortlessly create high-quality enterprise embeddings. The platform is specifically advantageous as it eliminates the need for costly hardware, making the process accessible and scalable. Cleora embeds entities such as customers, products, and other business-related data into n-dimensional spherical spaces through a stable and iterative projection method. This results in embeddings that reflect an entity's history of behavior, represented as large-scale graphs.

With Cleora.AI's technology, organizations can build sophisticated models for recommender systems, client segmentation, propensity prediction, churn prediction, and lifetime value modeling, all by simply extracting three columns from their databases. The private beta for Cleora PRO offers additional benefits like automatic scaling, improved performance, and superior embedding quality. Available as both a PRO version for enterprises and an Open Source version on Github, Cleora is especially noted for its speed, efficiency, inductivity, and the ability to combine embeddings across datasets.

Top Features:
  1. Efficiency: Cleora is significantly faster than competing systems, capable of embedding graphs with billions of edges without the need for GPUs.

  2. Ease of Use: Requires only three columns extracted from your database with automatic detection of graphs in the data.

  3. Cross-dataset Compositionality: Stability in embeddings allows for meaningful vector combinations by averaging embeddings from multiple datasets.

  4. Inductive Capabilities: Capable of computing vectors for new entities on-the-fly based on their interactions with other entities.

  5. Automatic Scaling: Cleora PRO offers automatic scaling capabilities, eliminating the necessity for expensive hardware.


1) What is Cleora PRO and how does it benefit Data Science teams?

Cleora PRO helps teams create high-quality embeddings without expensive hardware, providing automatic scaling, ease of use, performance optimizations, and support for item attributes.

2) What can you build with Cleora Embeddings?

Cleora embeddings can be utilized to build systems for recommender systems, client segmentation, propensity prediction, lifetime value modeling, and churn prediction, among other applications.

3) What is the difference between Cleora PRO and Cleora Open Source?

Cleora PRO is available as a self-service option for selected customers, while the Cleora Open Source version can be accessed on Github and is used by many industry leaders.

4) How fast is Cleora compared to other graph embedding systems?

Cleora PRO is up to 200x faster than DeepWalk and 4x-8x faster than Pytorch-BigGraph by Facebook, offering exceptional speed in embedding generation.

5) Can Cleora handle billion-scale graph data?

Yes, Cleora can automatically scale and handle billion-scale graph data efficiently, as demonstrated by its performance where it managed to process graph data in the National Capital Region in less than 5 minutes.





Machine Learning Enterprise Embeddings Data Science Recommender Systems Big Graph Data

Tech used:

Google AnalyticsWebflowjQuery


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