Conclude customer research in hours, not weeks. An AI-powered survey that conducts user interviews for you. Get hundreds of in-depth responses to your questions in hours.

Conduct interviews without interrupting your workflow

Conduct customer interviews without realizing you're even doing them. Setup your form, send the link out, and wait for the transcripts to come in.

Deeper insights. Our AI interviewer will ask follow up questions to get deeper insights from your customers. You'll get more than just surface level answers. Instant transcripts See exactly how the conversation went between your interviewer and its subject. No more note taking. Wider reach Conduct exponentially more responses in less than 5% of the time of live customer interviews. Move faster with confidence.

Top Features:
  1. Problem discovery

  2. Value prop testing

  3. Feature prioritization

  4. Gather feedback




Customer research In-depth insights fast research AI assisted survey creator AI powered interviewer AI researcher.

Tech used:

Next.jsEmotionVercelTailwind CSS


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