

Tired of meetings being consumed by repetitive tasks and distractions? Introducing Flux, your new AI meeting assistant, designed to handle the mundane so you can focus on what truly matters - the conversation.

The moment your meeting kicks off, Flux is there, transcribing everything. Flux understands your conversations and suggests Actions based on the context. Discussing an email? Flux drafts it. Planning a project? Flux outlines it. And with a single click, Actions come to life – an email gets sent, a project gets created, and much more.

And the best part? Flux integrates seamlessly with your favorite apps, from HubSpot to Jira, Notion, and beyond, ensuring a streamlined and efficient meeting experience.

Ready for smarter, more effective meetings? Join the Flux waitlist for early access now!




meeting assistant transcribing email integration HubSpot Jira Notion

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ReactFramer Sites


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By Rishit