

Get a job faster iApply as it has the world's most unique and advanced Artificial Intelligence Algorithm that finds, matches and applies to real-time posted worldwide jobs on behalf of the job seekers based on their profile and job preferences. The users can select upto 3 job titles, 3 job industries and 3 countries with the preferred cities in which the job seeker desire to work. The job seeker can also exclude the companies in which they do not want the Ai to apply jobs. Once the jobs are applied, our Ai sends notification to the job seeker and also they can see full applied job details on their user dashboard.

As a job seeker you do not have to spend hours and hours in searching & applying jobs on numerous job boards, as iApply's Ai will do all of this for you as it creates user profile and applies a job on behalf of the job seeker. So weather you are n unemployed job seeker? A fresh graduate? An employed individual looking for a career shift, or a better opportunity than the one at hand to push your career forward? Do you strive to be a leader, creative, innovator, and high-achiever in your field? If yes, iApply.ai is just for you.

Top Features:
  1. AI Will Apply Job On Behalf of JobSeeker

  2. Get Advance AI Assistant

  3. Exclude Companies You Don't Want To Work

  4. Worldwide Coverage

  5. Select Multiple Job Roles, Industries, Countries


1) Can iApply help me find a job?

Yes. iApply is an artificial intelligence powered platform that applies to real-time jobs worldwide (if available) on behalf of job seekers who have registered on the website.

2) Can I find jobs online on iApply?

No, iApply is not a recruitment portal. We find real-time posted jobs from the world for you and if the jobs are available/posted, then we apply to those jobs on your behalf.

3) I am a fresh graduate. Can I use iApply to find a job?

Yes. iApply helps fresh graduates, unemployed job seekers, skilled workers and those who are looking for a new job find jobs. We apply for real time jobs (if available) based on your job preferences and categories.

4) What if there is no real time job available.

If iApply’s artificial intelligence algorithm finds that there are no real-time jobs available in your all 3 selected countries, then you will be notified and iApply will distribute your CV to unlimited HR, recruiters and business owners’ emails.

5) When will iApply start applying for jobs after I subscribe?

Once your account is activated, iApply’s artificial intelligence will start applying for jobs in 24 to 48 hrs, based on your job preferences/selection.




Job Applying Job Search Job Board AI Powered Job Applying Automated Job Applying Resume CV Job Finding Job Portal

Tech used:

Angular TypeScript BootStrap Cloudflare


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