JADBio's AutoML platform is revolutionizing the field of biomarker discovery by providing a no-code machine learning solution that simplifies the process for researchers and scientists. It accommodates various types of bio and molecular data, such as genomics, transcriptomics, and more, to facilitate rapid insights and drug discovery. With its ability to interpret the relevance of these biomarkers in the context of specific research needs, JADBio is a powerful tool for advancing precision health and medicine. Key applications include early biomarker discovery, disease subtype identification, drug repurposing, and monitoring clinical trials. Additionally, JADBio has made its capabilities accessible through the AWS Marketplace, bringing its innovative technology to a broader audience.

Top Features:
  1. No-Code Machine Learning: Automates biomarker discovery without the need for coding simplifying research processes.

  2. Multi-Omics Data Integration: Capable of handling Genomics Transcriptomics Proteomics Metabolomics and more for comprehensive analysis.

  3. Precision Health Applications: Offers tailored solutions for conditions like cancer metabolic diseases chronic diseases and mental health.

  4. AWS Marketplace Availability: Easy access to JADBio's platform through the AWS Marketplace for broader reach and implementation.

  5. Research and Case Studies: Provides a repository of relevant research and case studies to evidence the platform's efficacy in real-world scenarios.


1) What does JADBio's AutoML platform do?

JADBio's AutoML platform accelerates the discovery of biomarkers by automating the machine learning process without the need for coding, tailored to researchers' specific needs.

2) What types of data can JADBio process?

JADBio handles a wide range of multi-omics data, including Genomics, Transcriptome, Metagenome, Proteome, Metabolome, Phenotype/Clinical Data, and Images.

3) What applications is JADBio intended for?

JADBio's platform is designed for applications such as early biomarker discovery, disease subtype identification, drug repurposing, and clinical trial monitoring.

4) Who can benefit from using JADBio?

Researchers and scientists in fields like Oncology, Immune Systems, Chronic Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Mental Health can benefit from JADBio.

5) Is JADBio available on the AWS Marketplace?

Yes, JADBio is available on the AWS Marketplace to facilitate easy access and integration into existing workflows and environments.





Machine Learning Biomarker Discovery Precision Health AutoML No-Code AWS Marketplace Drug Discovery Multi-Omics Data


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