

Mailvio is the go-to email marketing platform tailored specifically for influencers and creators, offering the tools needed to harness the full potential of email marketing. Revolutionize your email strategy with Mailvio’s smart automation, AI-powered assistance, and deep audience segmentation, enabling you to substantially boost your income without flooding your followers with incessant sponsored posts.

Embrace the power of a robust, permission-based email channel that you have complete control over, free from the risks of shadow bans or platform ownership changes. Mailvio’s platform is intuitive and user-friendly, with a seamless 3-step process for campaign creation, email customization, and delivery. Maximize your marketing efforts using features like AI Email Sequence Creation, Mass Broadcast, and RFM Segmentation, all designed to keep you connected with your audience effectively.

Furthermore, Mailvio equips you with detailed analytics, transactional emails, A/B split testing, a drag-and-drop editor, and expert round-the-clock support. Tap into the experience of email marketing veterans Neil Napier and Steven van der Peijl, working together to provide an email service that acknowledges the unique challenges faced by internet marketers today.

Top Features:
  1. Smart Automation: Utilize powerful workflows to automate portions or your entire email marketing process.

  2. Deep Audience Segmentation: Segment your audience flawlessly based on their actions and buying behaviors.

  3. Dynamic Personalization: Craft deeply personalized email marketing campaigns to resonate with your audience.

  4. AI Email Creation: Leverage AI assistance to generate compelling email sequences and use pre-designed templates for efficient creation.

  5. Detailed Analytics: Monitor your campaign performances accurately with Mailvio’s comprehensive analytics.


1) What is Mailvio?

Mailvio is an email marketing platform designed for influencers and creators to monetize their audience through targeted and personalized email campaigns, using automation, AI, and segmentation.

2) How does Mailvio’s automation work?

Mailvio automates your marketing efforts through powerful workflows, allowing you to set up personalized emails, send broadcast messages, segment audience, and much more without constant manual management.

3) What are the steps to use Mailvio for an email campaign?

You can simply start a new campaign, write or select an email using the drag-and-drop editor or AI email creation tool, and hit send. You can also automate follow-ups and personalize content for different audience segments.

4) Does Mailvio support A/B split testing?

Yes, Mailvio offers A/B split testing to help you identify the best-performing messages, enabling you to focus on the most effective content for your audience.

5) Who are the founders of Mailvio?

Neil Napier and Steven van der Peijl, both seasoned internet marketing professionals with two decades of industry experience, are the brains behind Mailvio.





Email Marketing Influencer Marketing AI Automation Audience Segmentation Transactional Emails

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