

Mindy is your digital chief of staff, a personal assistant designed to enhance productivity through AI-powered email interactions. Whether it's conducting complex research, hunting for the best deals, or coordinating meetings, Mindy streamlines tasks to save you time. The service embraces the familiarity of email communication, transforming it into a hub for task management by simply messaging Mindy with your request.

Feature highlights include scheduling, organization, and integration of use cases like organizing birthday lunches or handling sales processes. Embrace the ease of handling daily tasks with Mindy, enabling you to focus more on what you love.

Top Features:
  1. Email-First Interface: Utilizes email as a platform for task management and communication.

  2. Complex Task Handling: Capable of performing various tasks from research to shopping for deals.

  3. Personalized Assistance: Learns preferences and caters to individual needs and tasks.

  4. Easy To Get Started: Accessible through a straightforward email to Mindy to initiate services.

  5. Diverse Use Cases: Supports a wide range of requests, from scheduling events to optimizing sales processes.


1) What is Mindy?

Mindy is an AI-powered personal assistant that uses email to help you with a range of tasks from complex research to scheduling meetings.

2) How do I get started with Mindy?

To get started, simply send Mindy an email with your request to m@mindy.com.

3) What type of tasks can Mindy help me with?

Mindy can help with various knowledge work and admin tasks, such as research, deal hunting, scheduling, and more.

4) Where can I find examples of what Mindy can do?

You can see the actual use cases on Mindy's website, where examples like scheduling a birthday lunch are provided.

5) What is the contact email for Mindy?

The email to contact Mindy and get started is m@mindy.com.




Email Assistant Productivity Tool AI Chief of Staff Task Management AI Personal Assistant

Tech used:

Tailwind CSS


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