OpenAI o1

OpenAI o1

OpenAI has launched its new o1 models, offering ChatGPT users a unique chance to experience AI that pauses to "think" before it responds. These models, codenamed “Strawberry,” excel at reasoning and handling complex questions but come with a higher cost compared to GPT-4o.

While the o1 model introduces multi-step reasoning to break down large tasks and evaluate each step, its slower speed and lack of multimodal capabilities make GPT-4o the preferable choice for most simpler prompts. Designed for big questions, the o1 model aims to help users think through complicated decisions.

However, the higher expense due to additional "reasoning tokens" means users need to be cautious about overusing it for basic queries. Despite not living up to its pre-launch hype, the o1 model offers a glimpse into the future potential of AI in tackling complex problems.

Top Features:
  1. Breaks Down Complex Tasks: OpenAI o1 excels at breaking large problems into manageable steps for more accurate answers.

  2. Reasoning Tokens: Users are charged for additional compute processes involving reasoning, making it more costly.

  3. Advanced Reasoning: Better suited for intricate questions requiring detailed thought and analysis.

  4. Higher Cost: Approximately four times more expensive due to the hidden process of breaking problems into smaller steps.

  5. Unique Capabilities: Offers a tentative step towards handling complex decision-making processes through AI.


1) What makes OpenAI o1 unique?

OpenAI's o1 model is unique because it 'thinks' before answering, breaking down big problems into small steps and attempting to identify right or wrong steps.

2) Is OpenAI o1 cheaper than GPT-4o?

No, OpenAI o1 is roughly four times more expensive to use compared to GPT-4o due to added 'reasoning tokens.'

3) Does OpenAI o1 replace the capabilities of GPT-4o?

OpenAI o1 lacks the multimodal capabilities and speed that made GPT-4o impressive, making GPT-4o the better option for simpler questions.

4) For what kind of questions should you use OpenAI o1?

OpenAI o1 is best suited for complex questions that require multi-step reasoning and detailed analysis.

5) Is OpenAI o1 a form of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)?

OpenAI o1 was never intended to be AGI. It is a step towards handling complex tasks but is not the revolutionary AI that some had hoped for.




OpenAI ChatGPT AI Model Strawberry Multi-step Reasoning


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By Rishit