

Pickles AI offers a groundbreaking Text-to-Speech (TTS) API designed to provide high-quality, realistic AI speech with emotion, while being significantly more cost-effective than competitors.

It boasts a latency optimized performance of approximately 500ms, ensuring swift responses ideal for scaling applications. The TTS service from Pickles stands out not just for being up to 32 times cheaper than rivals like ElevenLabs but also due to its seamless integration that requires only a straightforward HTTPS call.

Interested users and developers can subscribe to get their API key and choose from flexible plans based on their needs, starting from hobby level to enterprise scale. With a promise of no waitlists and a simple sign-up, Pickles AI is making powerful and emotional speech accessible to a wider audience.

Top Features:
  1. Cost Efficiency: Offers a TTS API that's significantly cheaper than competitors.

  2. Realism: Provides realistic AI speech that conveys emotion.

  3. Optimized Latency: Ensures low latency (~500ms) for smooth performance at scale.

  4. Ease of Integration: Designed for simple integration with a single HTTPS call.

  5. Flexible Plans: Accommodates different usage needs with various subscription plans.


1) What is Pickles?

Pickles is a Text-to-Speech API that provides realistic AI speech with emotion, optimized for low latency, and costs less than OpenAI, ElevenLabs, and UnrealSpeech.

2) How does Pickles compare in pricing to other TTS services?

Pickles is up to 32 times cheaper than ElevenLabs, 5 times cheaper than OpenAI, and twice as affordable as UnrealSpeech.

3) How do I integrate Pickles into my application?

To integrate Pickles, you need to make a simple HTTPS call, and you will get back a hosted WAV file.

4) What subscription plans does Pickles offer?

Pickles offers several plans, starting with the Hobby plan at 1 million characters per month to the Enterprise plan with 100 million characters per month.

5) Is Pickles currently available to all users?

Pickles is generally available with no waitlists or complicated sign-up process, and a streaming API feature is also coming soon.




Text-to-Speech API Realistic AI Speech Latency Optimised Cost-Effective Emotion


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