Sensey AI

Sensey AI

Sensey is an advanced AI platform designed to amplify market and competitive intelligence. It empowers startups to pinpoint the optimal market for their products by providing deep insights into competitors and comprehensive market analysis. Users benefit from real-time updates on their competitors, enabling them to refine their product, marketing, and sales strategies effectively. With Sensey, startups can make well-informed decisions, ensuring they stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

Top Features:
  1. Sensey has an extensive database. It has over 90 data points per company. This includes info on investments. It covers team size. It also covers web traffic and marketing strategies. It covers customers, pricing, market news, and competitors' news.

  2. The platform provides startups with key market metrics. These include market volume, competitors, growth rates, and benchmarks. They allow startups to check their position and potential within their target market.

  3. Sensey provides real-time competitor monitoring. It watches competitors' actions and changes. This helps startups stay informed and adjust their strategies.

  4. Sensey aims to evolve into a predictive tool. It will help startups spot new trends and take opportunities before their competitors.

  5. Regulatory Screener: Sensey offers a regulatory screening feature that helps startups navigate the complex regulatory landscape. It provides information on relevant regulations, compliance requirements, and potential regulatory risks specific to their industry and geographical location.




Tech used:

PineconeMongoDBOpenAIGoogle CloudBubbleExpressFirebaseReact


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