

Are you tired of the daily grind of managing emails, which takes up a significant portion of your time and keeps you from focusing on essential tasks? SimpleMail is here to revolutionize the way you handle your email correspondence. Our AI-powered tool significantly enhances your productivity by streamlining the email writing process. With SimpleMail, you can create professional emails in seconds, simply by providing bullet points. Our AI takes care of grammar, spelling, and style, offering you various response tones such as positive, negative, and neutral to match the context of your communication. Moreover, SimpleMail can summarize long emails with a single click, turning them into concise notes that save you time and effort. Designed exclusively for Gmail accounts, our tool is an invaluable asset for business owners, with proven outcomes such as increased revenue and improved customer engagement. As we are in Open Beta, you can take advantage of all these features for free, but a small fee will be implemented once the beta period ends. Join now and let SimpleMail transform your email experience.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Compose Function: Generates professional emails from bullet points ensuring error-free grammatically correct communications.

  2. Summarize Function: Condenses lengthy emails into easy-to-understand points with just one click to save you reading time.

  3. AI Reply Function: Offers tailored replies based on positive negative or neutral tones to appropriately address received emails.

  4. Chrome Extension: Currently available as a Chrome extension enhancing Gmail users' experience with advanced AI capabilities.

  5. Free During Open Beta: Users can enjoy all features free during the open beta phase with affordable plans upon official release.


1) How can I install SimpleMail?

Just click 'Sign up for free' and follow the instructions provided on the link.

2) Does it work with Outlook?

It does not work with Outlook at the moment, but support for additional platforms is under development.

3) Do you have an app for iPhone or Android?

An app version is planned for release in 2023. Currently, it's available only as a Chrome extension.

4) Does SimpleMail work with Yahoo, iCloud, or other email accounts?

The current version only works with Gmail accounts, but updates will be sent once support for other email accounts is available.

5) Will SimpleMail always be free?

SimpleMail will start charging a small monthly fee once the open beta concludes. It is free to use during the open beta.




Email Assistant Chrome Extension Open Beta


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