Story Mage

Story Mage

Story Mage is a revolutionary content creation service tailored for founders, consultants, and growth teams looking to amplify their online presence and thought leadership. With Story Mage, busy professionals can secure a month's worth of personalized LinkedIn and blog posts crafted from their real stories and experiences.

This service not only increases content consistency but is designed to augment brand impressions and inbound leads. By leveraging past content or conducting in-depth Zoom interviews, Story Mage's team, which includes a Stanford-trained writer, skillfully transforms your unique narratives into engaging digital posts that resonate with your audience. Moreover, if the first month doesn't meet expectations, the service promises a full refund under its "Grow or your money back" guarantee.

Top Features:
  1. 30 Days of Content: Receive a full month's worth of tailored LinkedIn and blog posts.

  2. Personalization: Content is created from your recordings and experiences, ensuring it's in your authentic voice.

  3. Time Savings: Save valuable time and effort that can be reallocated to other areas of your business.

  4. Professional Writing Team: Benefit from the expertise of a Stanford writer who polishes and personalizes your content.

  5. Satisfaction Guaranteed: Offers a full refund if you're not satisfied in the first month.


1) What kind of professionals is Story Mage designed for?

Story Mage is designed for founders, consultants, and growth teams who want to enhance their online presence and thought leadership.

2) How does Story Mage create content?

Story Mage turns recordings, past content, or Zoom interviews with clients into 30 days of personalized LinkedIn and blog posts.

3) What results can I expect from using Story Mage?

Users of Story Mage have experienced an increase in LinkedIn impressions, a higher volume of inbound leads, and time savings on content creation.

4) Is there any risk involved in trying out Story Mage?

There is a 'Grow or your money back' guarantee that provides a full refund if you're unhappy with the service in the first month.

5) Who adds the final touches to the content?

A professional Stanford writer finalizes the stories, ensuring consistency and personalization for daily content.




Content Creation LinkedIn Blog Posts Thought Leadership Inbound Leads

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