

Unbody offers an innovative solution aimed at simplifying the integration of advanced AI capabilities into your business or development projects. With just a single line of code, Unbody provides an invisible, headless AI API layer capable of enhancing your private data with a range of advanced AI functionalities. It can connect with content across various formats and from any location, enabling businesses and developers to build applications that seamlessly interact with and understand daily produced content.

Unbody demystifies the AI integration process, breaking down complex AI terminology and technical barriers, and offers out-of-the-box AI functionalities like semantic search powered by open-source technology. Additionally, Unbody promises flexible integration with popular service providers and file types, scheduled to be progressively supported over the upcoming year.

Top Features:
  1. Diverse Content Integration: Seamless integration of AI functionalities with content from any format and location.

  2. One Line of Code Implementation: Make AI part of your system with just a single line of code for easy integration.

  3. Barrier-Free AI Utilization: Simplify complex AI jargon and technicalities for non-AI developers and clients.

  4. Modular AI Structure: Flexible and tailored AI capabilities that fit your specific requirements.

  5. Extensive File and Provider Support: Compatibility with a wide range of file types and service providers for diverse applications.


1) What is Unbody?

Unbody is an invisible, headless AI API layer that adds advanced AI features to your private data regardless of format or location.

2) How do I get started with Unbody?

You can get started by visiting the Unbody website and selecting the 'Get started' or 'Get in touch' options.

3) Does Unbody support different content types?

Yes, Unbody is designed to handle diverse content types, including text, images, video, audio, and PDFs, with support for more types to be added soon.

4) How does Unbody simplify AI integration?

Unbody streamlines the complexity of AI by offering functionalities like semantic search, which can be easily implemented without in-depth AI knowledge.

5) What service providers does Unbody support?

Unbody plans to support a variety of service providers, including G-Drive, G-Calendar, Dropbox, and various communication platforms like Discord and Slack, among others.





AI Integration Advanced AI Functionalities Headless API Semantic Search Open-Source Technology


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