Empower your web experience with the Window extension, designed to let users take control of artificial intelligence. Choose from a range of AI models provided by industry giants like OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and others or even one from your local machine for utmost privacy. The Window extension requires no API keys and operates without a backend, ensuring a seamless and developer-free setup. Plus, with the added benefit of saving your conversation history, you can continually improve and personalize your AI interaction.

Learn, engage, and become part of a community that is redefining how AI is integrated into web applications. Get the extension and start a chat with a friendly AI assistant, always ready to converse and bring intelligence to your fingertips.

Top Features:
  1. User Choice: Select from various AI models to use with web applications.

  2. Easy Setup: No need for API keys or a backend to start using AI.

  3. Privacy Focused: Options to use an AI running on your local machine.

  4. Historical Data: Save your conversations to train and refine AI models.

  5. Community Engagement: Access to a supportive community and extensive documentation.





AI Integration Chatbot User Empowerment Privacy Control Model Configuration


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