

DialMe is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the traditional interview process by harnessing the power of AI. With a focus on efficiency, DialMe allows you to automate interviews, provide deeper insights, and save precious time. Users can take advantage of DialMe's intuitive basic dashboard, easy-to-use interview templates, and the ability to review transcripts and insights post-interview.

DialMe serves a variety of needs, from HR to market research, making it a versatile tool for gathering critical information without the tediousness of forms. Offering a free plan to get started, users can immediately create interviews and enjoy 30 lifetime minutes of service. DialMe also has advanced plans available for more extensive use cases, ensuring scalability for growing businesses and enterprise-level requirements.

Top Features:
  1. Automate Interviews: Streamline your interview process using advanced AI interviewers.

  2. Insightful Analytics: Review transcripts and glean insights to drive informed decision-making.

  3. Ready-to-use Templates: Access a variety of templates designed for different interview needs.

  4. No Credit Card Required: Get started for free without the hassle of providing payment information upfront.

  5. Easy Integration: Implement DialMe's conversational AI into your applications with available SDK access.


1) What is DialMe?

DialMe is a conversational AI platform that automates the interview process, allowing you to conduct interviews and gain insights in a more natural and efficient manner.

2) How does DialMe work?

DialMe works by letting you build an interview guide, share an interview link with users, and then review the transcripts and insights collected by the AI interviewer.

3) Do I need technical skills to use DialMe?

No, you do not need technical skills to use DialMe. The platform is designed with ease of use in mind, allowing anyone to create and conduct interviews using AI.

4) Can DialMe handle multiple interviews simultaneously?

Yes, DialMe is capable of handling multiple interviews at the same time, making it efficient for high-volume recruitment processes or research projects.

5) How do I get started with DialRealMe?

You can get started with DialMe by using the Free Plan, which gives you access to 30 lifetime minutes of interviewing time, the basic dashboard, and ready-to-use templates.




AI-led Conversations Conversational AI Interview Automation User Insights Product Feedback

Tech used:

Next.jsNode.jsHeadless UI


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